Christmas decorations from recycled material


Another one of our tasks was efficiently utilizing waste for making Christmas decorations, here you can take a look at our photos and videos of our creations, as well as comments from other groups.

Group 1

Group 2 

Group 3 

Group 4 

Group 5 

Group 6 

Group 7 

Group 8 

Group 9

We, at group 9, tried to make a good use of all the materials we could think of, from paper or sheetmetal to plastic, which we consider to be the largest ecological threat we are facing right now. So we decided to make some elegant Christmas snowflakes from toilet paper, from newspaper and paper leftovers and balloons, we also made Christmas balls for a Christmas tree from plastic. Another thing we made is a candlestick made out of natural resources like wood, sticks, nuts etc. We also utilized tin cans from beer which we used to make a chinese lanterns. And at last we are also sharing our process of making Christmas decorations from plastic bottle caps which we collected from plogging. Even a string is easily recyclable and BIO, so it doesn't hurt nature in any way.

Other photos and videos can be viewed in the section "photogalery"

Group 10

Group 11 

Group 12